Prayer As Ministry | Colossians 4:12-13
October 2, 2022
What Do We ___________ From Epaphras About _______________?
He helped the Colossians ___________ and ________________ the truth of the ______________.
He _____________ for the Colossians in _______________.
He prays for their ______________ _________________.
He prays for them to ________________ the ____________ of God.
He has a deep concern for the _______________ ____________ of others.
What Do We Need To ______________ Consider About ______________?
Am I helping _____________ hear and understand the ____________ of the gospel?
Who or what am I _______________ for in prayer?
When I pray for others how do I ________________ pray for them?
Does _________ ___________ lead me to ____________ _____________?