We Are The Church: The Importance of Community
October 30, 2022 

Acts 2:42 – They were continually devoting themselves… 

Involvement in the church is to include continual ______________ and firm  _________________.


Acts 2:43-47 – And the Lord was adding to their number…

Unity in the church helps ____________ others to _____________ in Jesus. 

Ephesians 4:11-16 – …the proper working of each individual part…

The church is to be a place where we ____________ and ______________. 

Colossians 3:12-17 – Beyond all these things put on love… 

There is a _________________ commitment that is to ________  ___________ in the church. 

What Does This Mean For __________? 

Is ________ involvement in the church characterized by continual  ________________ and firm ________________? 

Am _____ helping produce _____________ in the church? 

Am I contributing to the church in a way that helps _________ ______ the  body? 

How ____________ is ______ relational commitment to the church?


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