Discerning What Is False | Matthew 7:15-20
October 29, 2023
Why Does Jesus ____________ About False Prophets?
They are out there, they will _________ to you, and they are __________.
They are intentionally deceptive and ______________ and ____________ and they will ____________.
What _________________ a False Prophet?
Their doctrine is _____________.
Their _____________ life of faith in Jesus is _______________ and somewhat ________________.
What Does This Mean For _________?
The better I know the Word personally the more likely I will be to _____________ faulty doctrine.
The more I _____________ __________ the Word to my life the better I will know what it looks like for myself and others to faithfully follow Jesus.
When I personally __________ with Jesus and personally ___________ the Word I will be able to ______________ good fruit from bad fruit.