Hey students – Join us for summer camp at Student Life Camp in Glorieta, New Mexico on July 6-10 (Saturday-Wednesday)!
Registration for camp will officially open on February 1. A deposit of $75 per student is required to secure your spot. The total cost is $450 but make sure to check out the fundraiser information below. Text CAMP to 720-727-0700 to register.
It’s going to be awesome, so make sure to sign up beginning next week!
Here is a link to more information: https://studentlife.lifeway.com/camp/24glor03/
Our annual PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER for camp will be on March 3. Setup will be on March 2 from 330-5pm and then final prep and the event will be on March 3 from 730-1030am. If your student is interested in going to summer camp make sure to mark this weekend on your calendar. In the past, students have raised at least $300 towards their camp costs if they served on both dates. And students must serve on both dates to get the full benefit from the fundraiser. Again, I will send out more information as we get closer, but make sure to mark your calendar!