Paul’s Reflections on People and Ministry
2 Timothy 4:9-15 | August 11, 2024

What Did Paul Experience With ____________?

He had been ____________, which must have been ____________.

Had had ___________, which must have been ___________ and ___________.

He had been ____________, which must have been ____________.

He had ____________ ____________, which must have been ________ – ____________.

What Do I Need To Reflect On About ____________?

Has a love for this __________ __________ caused me to __________ others and ____________ me from the work of the gospel?

Have I ever genuinely ____________ with anyone with whom I have had relational ____________?

Have I caused __________ to __________?

Have I been a ____________, ____________, ________ – __________ friend to others?

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