Reconciliation Is Possible | Philemon 1:17-25 

Ken Caryl Church | November 21, 2021 

How Does Paul Seek To ___________ These Two Men? 

Paul is willing to take _______________ for the _________ that is owed. What Paul is willing to do is a picture of what __________ has done for us. 

Paul is willing to _____________ and _____________ steer Philemon  toward what he needs to do. 

Is Paul Speaking From ________________? 

Earlier in his life Paul was _____________ to Mark joining him in ministry. Later in his life Mark was ______________ to Paul in ministry. 

We have to learn to trust those who love ____________ and love ______  when they speak ____________ into our lives. 

What Does The Letter Of Philemon Mean For _________? 

Have I experienced reconciliation through ______________ ___________  in Jesus? 

Am I willing to ______________ in reconciliation?

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