Prayer Painting 
Thursday, November 17, 10am-12pm
This event is sponsored by Women’s Ministry and is for Senior Adult Women. Join us in the Fellowship Hall.  All supplies provided, no charge!
Heleen Koekemoer will lead the ladies through a time of prayer that will lead to painting time. To register, please text PAINT to 720.727.0700 or click here
Here is an overview of the event from Heleen:
Creating art—whether it be a professional painting or a casual doodle—can express that which cannot be expressed in words, and it can also be a meditative tool to help focus your mind. (If you sit behind me in church, you may have noticed that I have the tendency to doodle to keep my mind from wandering.) You do not need to be a professional artist to engage in prayer painting. One of the wonderful things about art is that it is so accessible—regardless of age, ability or background.
To be clear, I consider myself a prayerful person who is artistically inclined. I am not a trained artist, and a person doesn’t need to be one to pray in this manner. All that one truly needs is to have a heart for prayer, art supplies, a comfortable spot to pray and a willingness to be present with God in the moment. For me, focusing on a painting or a doodle, tunes out the noise and minimizes distractions — allowing for quality time with God.
When I pray through painting, I set out an intentional time for prayer – bringing to mind people and concerns, gratitude and praise. Prayer is always accompanied with scripture. We come together to meet with our Loving Heavenly Father. It is all about Him.
What you can expect from this Prayer painting group: – An opportunity to express (either privately or among the group we gather) your fears, worries, anxieties through free-style, intuitive painting (Google intuitive painting if you’re curious, but
trust me, it’s good for all of us, even self-proclaimed non-creatives)
– An opportunity to discover your true self through the process of letting go of perfection, comparison and the need for external approval
– An opportunity to pray and be prayed over and covered in grace
– An opportunity to breathe, with no distraction nearby.
– An opportunity to be yourself and not work to be composed in this space – this is a judge-free, inviting zone
– An opportunity to wear those pants you love that only you think don’t look that great on you or that has a hole in the back pocket, and you can’t wear them in public (but you wouldn’t mind
getting paint on them)
– An opportunity to be surrounded by a warm, loving and encouraging group of women who are longing for this type of environment to exist (just like you!)
– An opportunity to praise and glorify our Heavenly Father and acknowledge His abundant blessings through a paint brush and fellowship with like-minded women