Ladies, join us for a Bible study this fall! There are two options available:


Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30pm at church

Led by Angie Hintz and studying Navigating Gospel Truth by Rebecca McLaughlin

Study dates: September 6 & 20, October 4 & 18, November 1 & 15, December 6

Childcare is available for single moms or those with husbands working.

Text WEDNESDAY to 720.727.0700 to sign up!


Tuesday Mornings from 9:30-11:00am at church

The 7-week study begins September 5. The meetings will take place in the Fellowship Hall.

Led by Jeanne Hoffman and studying Ruth: Loss, Love, Legacy by Kelly Minter

Childcare is provided.

Text TUESDAY to 720.727.0700 to sign up!