Sound Doctrine is Not Enough | Titus 2:1-2
March 9, 2025


Instructions For Godly Living to Older Men

  • Sound ______________ should always result in sound ______________.
  • ______________ age and ______________ age are not an excuse for ______________ behavior.
  • So thankful for ______ Pastor who teaches both sound ______________ and sound ______________.
  • Older men don’t know ______________.
  • Older men still need help with their ______________.

6 Characteristics Of A Godly Older Man

  • Temperate: Older men should show that they have learned from the ________ that ____________ can bring.
  • Worthy Of Respect: Older men should show they have learned from the ______________ ________ of life.
  • Self-Controlled: Older men should show the ____________________ that comes from walking with God for many years.
  • Sound In Faith: Older men should show ______________ in their faith and not be rocked back and forth by every “wind” of teaching.
  • Sound In Love: Older men should show the ______ ___ __________ to one another, to their neighbor, and to their enemy.
  • Sound In Endurance: Older men should show the ______________ to not grow weary and lose heart and give up.

Conclusion:  Our behavior either ______________ what we believe or ______________ what we believe about God.


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