Analyzing Our Treasure | Matthew 6:19-21
August 27, 2023 

What Is Jesus ______________ About Treasure? 

Treasure is that upon which I place _____________ __________ and give myself to the ____________. 

I can store up treasure that will _________ __________. 

I can store up treasure that will ___________ __________ __________. 

The true condition of my ___________ is revealed _________ ___________ by what I treasure the most. 

What Is Jesus Causing Me To _______________ About My Treasure? 

My treasure will either _____________ me from obedience to Jesus or  ____________ me toward obedience to Jesus. 

I will view myself as an “____________” of what I have or a “___________”  of what I have. 

I will either have a “_____ – ___________” or a “________ – ____________”  perspective about treasure. 

I need to consider if my mind is set on things _____________ or set on things on _____________.


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