The Value of Relationships in Ministry | Colossians 4:7-11
September 25, 2022 

Proven To Be _________________ 

Paul had people in his life who were _______________ and  ______________. 

Paul had people that he could _______________ with the ______________ of his life. 

Proven To Be _________________ 

Paul had people in his life who could __________ and _____________ him.

Encouragement helps to keep the ___________ of ministry ____________. 

Personal Reflection 

God used _____________ to meet significant _____________ in Paul’s life, and He will do the ____________ for us. 

When we ______________ these kinds of relationships as followers of  Jesus we are _____________ _________ on a way God chooses to work in  our life. 

We need to be _____________ to be trustworthy and encouraging for  _____________ and we need to be ______________ to let others be trustworthy and encouraging to ________.


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